Well, somehow I have lost a few days. I don't know where I have been lately. I wanted to have a special blog dedicated to a very special man. This man was very special to me. On March 10, 2002, a great man passed to another life. This man was and is my father-in-law.
He had the most clever, and funny sayings. He loved to keep busy by a numerous different ways. He loved writing his history. He wrote the stories of his life and of his family. They are very entertaining. Donald Hutchings enjoyed painting. He was a self taught artist. He would watch the painting shows on television and then apply the paint to the canvas. He has left many painting for his posterity. Don also loved wood. He spent many hours making shelves, houses, cabinets, bowls, and his famous birds. He taught many of his grand kids how to make these birds. Many people own them and many own flocks of them. Each one is different and finished with love.
Grandpa Hutchings was loved and admired by his friends, family, kids, and grand kids. He loved them with all his heart. Heart is something he was filled with. He would be there to help build a cabin, finish a basement, help in a garden, help a neighbor, and support all those in need of help.
Donald did not do things in an ordinary way. He was a trailblazer. He cut his own path. He will be known for his known sayings, and phrases. His huge red, white, and blue tie. His no tv pills, he gave out to his Church ward members. Donating time and materials, to remodel another faith's chapel. His countless hunting trips, the fishing trips, the desert trips, the beach trips and the Mexico trip. We will all remember the trip to Washington DC.
For all those who drove with Grandpa Hutchings will account for the near death experiences. Though we all live to tell about them, we love him dearly and have great stories.
Though he was called many different names--Grandpa Hutchings, Don, Donald, Honey, Dear, and probably a lot of unmentionables--but know that I call him Dad. He definitely filled very large shoes. My father died in January of 1991. Dad was there for me and took the role of my father. He loved me and supported me. I love him as my Dad. Thanks Dad for being my Dad!
A wonderful and sound tribute. Loved reading his book and I can't wait for the next one to come.
What a great post. Thank you very much. You had me bawling while I read it. He was a great Dad, and I think about him and miss him all the time.
"Donald" sounds like he was a great, great man. I enjoyed reading about his life - and thrilled to know he documented it in such an amazing way.
Thank you for sharing this story of your dad.
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